Sunday, December 13, 2009

First, an explanation...

Bismillah ir-Rahman, ir-Rahim...
Assalamu alaikum!

I suppose I needed to be on yet another place on the Web like my submarine needs screen doors (Betchall didn't know I have a submarine, right?)

I already have an LJ, and a Facebook. I have a Web site. I'm just all over the place, really. So why bother with a blog?

Well, it's like this: I have a lot of thoughts. I have to keep them compartmentalized, for my own convenience and that of others. Some stuff is appropriate for one place, some for another. The stuff I post on my LJ is not always stuff I would want to post to my FB, and so on.

I post a fair amount of religious rumination on my LJ; because it informs most aspects of my life, it shows up a lot. Shows up in FB, too, but we keep it short and sweet. The format demands it, for one thing.

Not everyone wants to read everything. Nor does everyone want to have to wade through years of stuff (as on my LJ) to find my thoughts on one particular subject. Particularly if they're not wearing hipwaders.

So I am creating this blog specifically for religious/theological thought. Some of this will be crossposted elsewhere, but this will be the essential roundup of my thoughts and feelings spirit and heartwise.

This may include links to other things in my life; I imagine a certain amount of evolution to occur. For now, I may begin transcribing a couple of posts from *there* to *here*, if you get my drift. So if you follow me *there*, you may be having deja vu all over again.

We shall see how this works. Shall we?

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